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Last Updated on June 22, 2022

Cardiovascular diseases are becoming more prevalent with each passing day in this modern era. One in every three individuals is either a patient, or a potential patient of heart diseases. Though cardiovascular diseases have a high mortality rate, they are not incurable. Many Clinical Research Organizations in USA are conducting clinical trials that can help improve the quality of life for those who suffer from cardiovascular conditions. You will have to cut down on poor behaviors and habits, which requires real effort initially. But it is well worth it.

In this blog, we will discuss the six simple steps for a healthy heart. In which we go over the major factors that cause heart disease and how to overcome those patterns. We will also go through the nutritional and fitness regime changes every individual needs to adopt for a healthy survival.

Get Physically Fit

Exercise is an important element for good heart health. The impact of physical fitness is directly proportional to a healthy heart. A good physical activity for the heart includes swimming, cycling, running, walking and strength training. The muscles of the body help the muscles of the heart in drawing the oxygen from the circulating blood, which in terms reduces the workload on the heart to pump blood harder for the muscles, irrelevant of the age.

Physical fitness also lowers the risk of developing high blood pressure, which is a key risk factor for heart disease. Thus, good heart health is directly link to how fit the individual is.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the major risk factors for the development of heart diseases. It reduces the blood flow to muscles, causes high blood pressure, high heart rate, physical inactivity, along with stress and depression. Also, individuals who smoke have high chances of developing COPD in the future.

Smoking cessation is tough, though it’s worthwhile in the long run. Nicotine present in cigarettes can be very addictive which leads to withdrawal symptoms once the individual tries to quit. Smokers who give up the habit are able to protect their lungs from further damage. Although smoking cessation is difficult, there are multiple techniques to cope with this addiction, such as exercising regularly and getting enough sleep, both of which reduce the risk of heart disease in the long run.

Lose the Weight

Obesity and cardiovascular diseases are interlink. Researches have shown that an injured heart releases an enzyme called Troponin, which was found in high amounts in people with obesity. Obese individuals suffer from high blood pressure, which disrupts the oxygen supply to the body.

Increased levels of harmful cholesterols are also observe, resulting in low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL), which is essential for removing the harmful cholesterol. Obese people are strongly advise to lose weight by engaging in physical activities adopting a healthy lifestyle. Many cardiac diseases can be reverse with a healthy fat-free diet and a regular workout routine.

Consume More Dietary Fibers

Dietary fiber has been shown to improve heart health. According to research, consuming a high fiber diet lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality. What exactly are dietary fibers, and why are they so good for heart health? Plants are used to obtain fiber and unlike proteins, carbs, and lipids, they are neither absorber or digest in our bodies, resulting in a smooth exit from the body.

Fiber can be found in oats, green vegetables such as beans, spinach, citrus fruits, carrots, nuts, flour, cauliflower etc. Fibers are further divide into soluble fibers and insoluble fibers. Soluble fibers are helpful in reducing the cholesterol levels by dissolving in the body water making a gel like substance which in relation decreases the levels of low dentistry lipoprotein or harmful cholesterol.

Dietary fibers are essential to be include in our daily meal plans since they lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease and help to cleanse the digestive system.

Choose Your Fats Wisely

Saturated and unsaturated fats are the two types of fats. Saturated fats are unhealthy and damaging to the body, but unsaturated fats are essential for survival.  Fats in excess can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and weight gain. These fats cause elevated cholesterol levels and a rise in low density lipoproteins, which leads to artery blockage over time.

Saturated Fats

Saturated fats can be found in red meat, butter, coconut oil, and dairy products like cheese, along with many other things. In the end, a diet rich  in pizza, fried foods, baked goods, and other high-fat foods lead to high cholesterol and weight gain.

Unsaturated Fats

Unsaturated fats have been shown to be good for your health. They aid in the reduction of cholesterol and blood pressure levels, along with an improvement in irregular heartbeats. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most frequent unsaturated fats, and they’re found in a variety of fishes.

Individuals can improve their heart health by substituting butter for oil, replacing meat with poultry, vegetables twice a week, and eating a diet high in Omega-3 fatty acids. As a result, it is important to eat thoughtfully and avoid consuming an unhealthy diet.

Eradicate Salt from Your Meal

Maintaining a perspective of balance is essential to all we do in life, and food is a crucial part of it. Evaluating what we put in our bodies is incredibly important for healthy functioning and longevity. Every food item that is consume should be done so proportionally, and certain ingredients, like salt, should be ingests far more cautiously. Salt is a mixture of sodium and chloride – sodium is a mineral present naturally in foods. It keeps your body balanced, but when consumed in excess, it causes fluid to build up around the heart, resulting in high blood pressure. Hence, individuals with heart disease are advise to maintain a low sodium diet. Which aids in the regulation of fluid level in the body, resulting in normal blood pressure.

It’s advisable to have your food with little to no salt. Although it takes time for the taste buds to adjust. The goal is to progressively reduce salt intake with each meal. There are numerous additional techniques to cook without salt. Such as increasing the amount of other spices in your meal preparation. Incorporate low-sodium foods like fresh vegetables, chicken, and fish in your diet. Whenever buying anything, always read the nutrition labels and avoid purchasing frozen food.


There are no cardiovascular diseases that can’t be easily reverse by adopting mindful eating, halting smoking, and incorporating more physical activity into daily life. For certain cardiovascular diseases that have no known cause, Cardiology Clinical Trials in Texas may be able to help you and countless others.

Dr. Ayesha Farrukh , BDS

Dr. Ayesha Farrukh graduated from a reputable Dental College and has experience as a practicing dentist. She is one of Prime Revival Research’s valuable additions to the Quality Assurance team.

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